Annual Meeting

2024 CSBS Annual Meeting

Our next annual meeting will be held in Spring 2025 at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario. More details to follow!

For the 2024 annual meeting programme click below:

2024 CSBS Annual Meeting Programme


An Inclusive Culture at the CSBS

The following documents provides suggestions for members, session conveners, and chairs for fostering an inclusive atmosphere at the annual meeting of the CSBS. The Society follows the Code of Conduct of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. This document gives suggestions for making the annual meeting a welcoming space. This document grew from the ad hoc report on the functioning of CSBS, which was “a response to varied requests from the Society membership and the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences EDID review.” Subsequent to that report, the CSBS executive created another ad hoc EDID committee, which has produced this document in conversation with the executive.