The Falconer Award

Award History

The Sir Robert Falconer Award is named after the founding President of CSBS. It was initiated in 2017 by past Presidents of the Society to acknowledge their gratitude for the role CSBS has played in their careers and in the development of the discipline in Canada. The award’s purpose is to assist CSBS members in a limited period of time at a study centre, library, museum, or archaeological excavation appropriate to biblical studies and relevant to their research.


The award of $1,500 is announced each year at the CSBS Annual General Meeting.

Selection Process

The Falconer Award is adjudicated using the following guidelines and process:

  • Preference will be given to applicants in the early stages of their academic career, including Ph.D. candidates.
  • The Sir Robert Falconer Award will ordinarily be given annually to one CSBS member.
  • The award need not necessarily be given every year.
  • The applicant’s age is not a consideration, though no individual may receive the award more than once.
  • The successful applicant must spend the funds within two calendar years of receiving the award. The applicant is encouraged to seek matching funds from their college, university or other research-granting resources.
  • Applications are accepted by the Executive Secretary for adjudication by three members of the Executive Committee. For application process and deadlines, see below.


 A complete application for the Falconer Award consists of all the following items:

  • A 500-word (maximum) description that includes the aims and timeline of the project including plans for publication.
  • A completed budget, including a short budget narrative. This narrative should indicate how the applicant will use the award, and reference to any funds already secured or proposed.
  • If the applicant is a member of a department, a letter of support from either a Dean or Department Chair or other person who can assure institutional support of the applicant, i.e., can assure that the applicant is receiving time to pursue the intended travel.
  • If the applicant is a Ph.D. candidate, a letter of support from their dissertation supervisor; and
  • A copy of the applicant’s current curriculum vitae.

Applicants must be CSBS Members. Nominations are made in the member login area of the CSBS website. The application deadline is May 15. Award results are announced at the Annual Meeting.


  • 2024: Robert Revington, for his postdoctoral research on the history of biblical scholarship in Canada