Founders Prize
Le Prix des Fondateurs/The Founders Prize
Lauréats des années passées/Previous Winners:
- 2020: Julie Dykes (McMaster Divinity College):
“The Genre and Metaphorical Layers of the Song of the Vineyard (Isa 5:1-7)” - 2019: not awarded
- 2018: Dylan Johnson (New York University):
“The Ruah-Yahweh as Melammu?: The Warrior Tradition in the book of Judges and its Mesopotamian Parallels” - 2017: Michael B. Johnson (McMaster University):
“One Text or Three? A Proposal for a Continuous Reading of 1QS-1QSa-1QSb” - 2016: Ambrose Thompson (McMaster Divinity College):
“Dwelling Among Them: The Tabernacle as a Confession of the Redemptive Presence of Yahweh.” - 2015: Alexander W. Breitkopf (McMaster Divinity College):
“The Importance of Response in the Interpretation of Job” - 2014: John Screnock (University of Toronto):
“On the Overlap of Translation and Transmission: Intralingual Translation in the Transmission of Hebrew Bible Manuscripts” - 2013: Emily Wilton (Huron University College):
“The Suffering Servant: A Case of Hidden Masculinity” - 2012: Ian Douglas Wilson (University of Alberta):
“Tyre,a Ship: The Metaphorical World of Ezekiel 27 in Ancient Judah” - 2011: Frederick Tappenden (University of Manchester):
“Imaging Resurrection: Toward an Image Schematic Understanding of Hellenistic Jewish Conceptualizations of Resurrection” - 2010: Eric R. Montgomery (McMaster University):
“Divine Knowledge as a Requisite for Communion with the Angels” - 2009: Danielle Duperreault (McGill University):
“The Poetics of History and the Prophecy of Deutero-Isaiah” - 2008: Heather Macumber (St. Michael’s College):
“Zechariah 1-8: A Prophecy in Transition” - 2007: Mark Scott (Harvard University):
“The Wisdom of Silence: Job and the Mystery of Suffering” - 2006: Paul S. Evans (Wycliffe College/Toronto School of Theology):
“Sennacherib’s 701 Invasion into Judah: What Saith the Scriptures?” - 2005: Ellen White (University of St. Michael’s College):
“Motherhood and the Line of Promise: The Importance of Women in the Founding Family Narratives” - 2004: Kenneth A. Ristau (University of Alberta):
“Breaking Down Unity: An Analysis of 1 Chronicles 21:1-22:1” - 2003: Lissa Wray Beal (Wycliffe College/Toronto School of Theology):
“Evaluating Jehu: Narrative Control of Approval and Disapproval in 2 Kings 9 and 10” - 2002: Ken Penner (McMaster University):
“The Fate of Josephus’s Antiquitates Judaicae 13.171-173: Ancient Judean Philosophy in Context” - 2000: Daniel Smith (Wycliffe College/Toronto School of Theology):
“The ‘Assumption’ of the Righteous Dead in the Wisdom of Solomon and the Sayings Source Q” - 1998: David Bergen (University of Calgary):
“Bakhtin Revisits Deuteronomy” - 1997: Nancie Erhard (Atlantic School of Theology):
“Hosea 2: Descent and Recovery of the Feminine Divine” - 1996: Jane Webster (McMaster University):
“Engendering Wisdom in Proverbs, Ben Sira and the Wisdom of Solomon” - 1995: Tyler Williams (Wycliffe College/Toronto School of Theology):
“The Elohist Psalter and the Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms” - 1994: Sharon Lea Matilla (McMaster University):
“Christo-Centric Participationist Apocalyptic Eschatology in 1 Corinthians 15” - 1993: Richard Ascough (University of St. Michael’s College/Toronto School of Theology):
“From Isis to Jesus: The Formation of the Early Church at Philippi From a Women’s Voluntary Association” - 1992: Caroline Whelan (University of St. Michael’s College/Toronto School of Theology):
“Amica Pauli: The Role of Phoebe in the Early Church” - 1991: Robert MacKenzie (McGill University):
“The Continuing Importance of the Grammatical and Stylistic Analysis of Hellenisitic Documents” - 1990: Jeffrey Weima (McMaster University):
“The Function of the Law in Relation to Sin: An Evaluation of the View of H. Räisänen” - 1989: John L. McLaughlin (University of St. Michael’s College/Toronto School of Theology):
“Their Hearts Were Hardened: The Use of Isaiah 6:9-10 in the Book of Isaiah” - 1988: Michael Knowles (Wycliffe College/Toronto School of Theology):
“Moses, the Law and the Unity of 4 Ezra” - 1987: Wendy Cotter (University of St. Michael’s College/Toronto School of Theology):
“The Young Man in the Tomb (Mark 16:5)” - 1986: Marion Finlayson (Yale University):
“Jeremiah 45: The Problem of Placement” - 1985: David Diewert (University of Toronto) [first year offered]:
“Job 7:12: Yam, Tannim, and the Surveillance of Job”