The Beare Award

Award History

This award has been established in honour of Francis (Frank) Wright Beare, one of Canada’s most renowned New Testament scholars. He was active in CSBS and was named President of the Society in 1942. For a bibliography and personal appreciations, see the Festschrift: From Jesus to Paul: Studies in Honour of Francis Wright Beare, edited by Peter Richardson and John C. Hurd (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1984).


The award of $500 is announced each year at the CSBS Annual General Meeting.


This award recognizes an outstanding book in the areas of Christian Origins, Post-Biblical Judaism and/or Graeco-Roman Religions written in English or French by a member of the CSBS and published in the current and previous two years (currently those with a copyright date of 2025, 2024, 2023). Collections of essays, whether by a single author or by multiple authors, are not eligible for the award.

The category of “outstanding” ought to be understood expansively and may be characterized by persuasiveness and originality, theoretical or methodological innovation, intellectual creativity, and/or the high quality of scholarship that reaches beyond the academic guild and is public-facing. As of 2023, a lifetime maximum of two CSBS Book Awards can be given to any one scholar. When equally competitive books are considered, preference should be given to authors who have not previously won this award.

Selection Process

The three-person Adjudication Committee is appointed from among members of CSBS with a publishing record in at least one of the areas covered by the award.


Nominators must be CSBS members. Self-nominations are acceptable. Nominations are made in the member login area of the CSBS website. The nomination deadline is January 15, 2026. Authors of all nominated books will be notified February, while only the award winner will be notified by late April or early May. Books can only be nominated for one of the two CSBS book awards. In the event that more than one book of a member is nominated for a CSBS book award, the author of will be asked to select which one nominated book they would like to be eligible for the book award.

Previous Winners