Neufeld Travel Grant

Award History

This fund was established in memory of Dr. Dietmar Neufeld, who was was an accomplished scholar and Professor in Christian origins at the University of British Columbia. Neufeld served as CSBS President in 2015. The fund grows annually with donations by members and aims to defray the travel expenses of student members attending the annual meeting and presenting a paper.


The Travel Fund can help to cover only a small proportion of the total travel costs of the membership, and thus needs to be distributed with discretion and fairness. Our present policy is to limit travel grants to student members who are reading papers or prepared responses. To ensure that money is available for students in greatest need and distance from the Congress location. We also request that student members make every effort to secure additional funds to help defray their costs. The fund supports travel costs by the most economical and sensible means available. In order to receive funds, students must hold an active CSBS membership.


Each year grant monies are determined by the number of applicants. Grant cheques will be mailed to the grant recipients afterwards.


To be eligible for a student travel grant, please complete the form in the member login area within one week of the completion of the annual meeting. Additional instructions for annual awards are found in the Fall Mailing.