Welcome to the Canadian Society of Biblical
Studies (CSBS), the oldest humanities academic society in Canada.

The Society provides a meeting place for those interested in all aspects of the academic study of the Bible—Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Qumran, New Testament—in its literary and historical context.

Bienvenue sur de la Société canadienne des Études bibliques (SCÉB), la plus ancienne société savante canadienne dans le domaine des sciences humaines.

La Société offre un lieu de rencontre à tous ceux qu’intéresse l’étude scientifique de la Bible—Bible hébraïque, Septante, Qumrân, Nouveau Testament—dans son contexte littéraire et historique.



Interested in partnering with us and being a part of our success? Donate to the Society, the Sir Robert Falconer Endowment Fund, and/or the CSBS Student Travel Fund. Tax receipts available.


Misunderstanding Sinai? Author Interview with Carmen Imes

  Carmen Imes was the recipient of the 2019 R. B. Y. Scott award for her book Bearing Yhwh’s Name at Sinai: A Reexamination of the Name Command of the Deca...

The Scope of Syriac Gospel Traditions: Author Interview with Tony Burke

Tony Burke was awarded the 2018 Frank W. Beare award for his volume The Infancy Gospel of Thomas in the Syriac Tradition: A Critical Edition and English Transla...